Beavers mate for life and like to live in close family groups called colonies. They’re super social animals, like us; they groom each other and the young beaver play and wrestle. We’re lucky enough to have a tight knit family of healthy beavers right here in Atascadero. We can see that Mom and Pop beavers are well-fed, and they have two adorable babies!

When baby beavers are born they stay safe in the lodge drinking their mom’s milk and growing for the first several weeks. But they quickly start exploring around and learning everything it takes to keep a dam up and running, because pretty soon they’ll move out! After two or three years, most beavers leave home to find a mate and create a lodge of their own (seems pretty young if you ask me!).

Did you know… baby beavers are called kits? It’s true, beavers are usually born in early spring, so our kits are probably getting ready to turn six months old! I don’t want them to ever grow up and leave the pond, but momma beavers keep having babies nearly every year and can have up to 6 kits. So if we’re lucky, we’ll have baby beavers here for years and years 🙂